Enable Amazon Music Service for Plus and Elite models
Your Plus , Elite and Grace Link model radios come with an Amazon Music app. You will need either an Amazon Prime subscription or an Amazon Music Unlimited subscription to enable the Amazon Music service on Plus , Elite or Grace Link.
You can enable the Amazon Music service either on your radio web portal or with Grace Digital apps (iOS or Android). Please note that to be able to use the web portal or apps, your PC or phone needs to connect to the same network as your radio. Below are the instructions.
- Enable or Disable the Amazon Music service on your radio web portal
Go to Radio Settings/Network Info page on your radio and find its IP address (e.g.
- Go to a web browser on your PC, enter the IP address of your radio.
- After the web portal launch, go to Login with Amazon tab, click Login to Amazon
- Amazon Sign-In page will pop up, enter your Amazon account number and password.
- After a successful Amazon log in, the web portal will show the service is available.
- Go to Audio Services/Amazon Music on your radio, you can search for music and play.
b) Disable
1) Go to Login with Amazon tab on your radio web portal
2) Click Unlink, the Amazon Music service will be disabled on your radio.
- Enable or Disable the Amazon Music service with Grace Digital Android app
Before launching the Grace Digital app, please enable Bluetooth on your phone.
2.1 Enable
- Launch the Grace Digital Android app, a device list will show.
- Click icon at the bottom-right corner, a Setup screen will pop up showing devices found.
- Click the device name of your radio, an Amazon Sign-in page will pop up. Enter your Amazon account number and password.
- After a successful Amazon log in, it will show the Setup screen. Note that under the device name, it now shows “Tap to Logout from Amazon”, which indicates your radio has logged into Amazon
- .
- Go to Audio Services/Amazon Music on your radio, you can search for music and play.
2.2 Disable
1) Launch the Grace Digital Android app, click at the bottom-right corner to bring up the Setup screen.
2) Click the device name of your radio, the Amazon Music service will be disabled on your radio.
- Enable or Disable the Amazon Music service with Grace Digital iOS app
Before launch the Grace Digital app, please enable Bluetooth on your phone.
3.1 Enable
- Launch the Grace Digital iOS app, a device list will show.
- Click Setup at the top-right corner, a Setup screen will pop up showing devices found.
- Click the device name of your radio, an Amazon Sign-in page will pop up.
- Enter your Amazon account number and password.
- After a successful Amazon log in, it will show the Setup screen. Note that under the device name, it now shows “Tap to Logout from Amazon” which indicates your radio has logged into Amazon service.
- Go to Audio Services/Amazon Music on your radio, you can search for music and play.
2.2 Disable
1) Launch the Grace Digital iOS app, click Setup at the top-right corner to bring up the Setup screen.
2) Click the device name of your radio, the Amazon Music service will be disabled on your radio.
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